
work week, vol.1

Each day of Spring Break, I am dedicated to working on a different piece for my portfolio. Yesterday was my personal logo. Here's what I've got thus far:

The type below the icon needs work but i am pretty happy with the mark itself. it is supposed to represent the letters S, A and D for sarah adams design. and of course it's purple because all of my logos are purple...and well, why change that now?

After having a total of 4 different personal logos since I took GRD3000 in the fall of 2008, I think I am finally happy with one.


1 comment:

  1. I really like this fresh edition Sarah! :) Though, I don't know....S A D = sad. And I know you're not a sad designer. :) But maybe I'll be the only one who reads the initials that way....hopefully...

    Anyway, the S and D I can see real easily...the A is a stretch to view...it's there, just not as strong as the S and the D. I do like the typeface...but if you have better choices in mind, by all means. Can't wait to see what else you do to make this logo fresh and legit! :)

    Continue to enjoy your spring break Sarah!
