

I joined AIGA today. :)

That is all.



I want to intern for The Jones Group.


Beautiful poster in an annual series for the High Museum created by The Jones Group:


Beautiful Chalk Typography

This girl does the most beautiful hand rendered typographical pieces with just chalk and a chalkboard.
See the full webpage here:
Dana Tanamachi

For Liz: Visuals of Atlanta's Snowpocalypse

General article about the cold snap we felt in December.
December's Cold Snap

From CTECreative Blog:

From Creative Loafing:


For Liz: Climate Change Article

Climate Science: An Erosion of Trust?

From Nature News magazine, found on the Climate Central webpage.

This article may help us understand the delicacy of speaking about climate change, whether we are speaking to the general public or to a weather spokesperson hearing about it every day.

designing with context

This redesign was so unbelievably unnecessary.
The logo is halfway decent without any context (save for the upside down 'central'), but the old Comedy Central logo already had such a distinctive look and following behind it. How do you just throw all of that away?

on being carded

How fancy do designers' business cards really need to be?
I found this article from Print Magazine on personal designers' business cards to be extremely helpful and interesting, as well.

Print Magazine