
work week vol. 3

at the beginning of spring break, i had 1 piece in my "final portfolio pieces" folder on my desktop.

now i have 10.

i am extremely pleased with my progress the past week in reworking a lot of pieces and getting ideas for the pieces to come. :)

now it's time to get feedback on all of them and start all over again...


logo vol. 2

i fixed the shape of the logo itself a little, as well as reorganizing the shape of the words.

i've also been working a lot on my mailer for GRD3200, but i don't think it's put together enough for pictures here yet. perhaps today? :)


work week, vol.1

Each day of Spring Break, I am dedicated to working on a different piece for my portfolio. Yesterday was my personal logo. Here's what I've got thus far:

The type below the icon needs work but i am pretty happy with the mark itself. it is supposed to represent the letters S, A and D for sarah adams design. and of course it's purple because all of my logos are purple...and well, why change that now?

After having a total of 4 different personal logos since I took GRD3000 in the fall of 2008, I think I am finally happy with one.



new stationery board

changes to letterhead, envelope, and the back of the business card.