manchester orchestra - mean everything to nothing
I like how type is the design. You can't help but notice it on a shelf.
incubus - monuments and melodies
This drawing style is very unique to the members of the band that created it. It shows that line art mixed with a little color can be moving and tell a story.
the shins - so says i (single)
There's something about all the abstract color that is picasso-esque. It's quite beautiful. If this is what my art director wanted me to make, I'm not sure where I would begin.
bright eyes - LIFTED [or] the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground
I like how this cover feels like an old, antique book that has been handed down from family member to family member. Something about it feels classic and precious.
brand new - deja entendu
The epic background coloring is really beautiful and jumps off shelves.
radiohead - hail to the thief
I love all of the hand rendered type and its location in the cover.
MGMT - time to pretend EP
The illustrations and color are very playful. I enjoy looking at all the details.
the flaming lips - yoshimi battles the pink robots
If someone told me to draw a pink robot, I don't think I would have come up with one this dynamic and fun. It would be a fun project to see what people would create if you asked them to draw a pink robot.